Thursday, February 28, 2008

Need Some Input...

K so I need a little input here. I am a big schedule peson with Presli. Most people think I am crazy...but I love it. She has been on a specific schedule since she was about six weeks old. It has obviously changed with her age, but we have always had one. So here is my problem. She is now a little older, and she eats less often than she used to, and she does not always take two naps a day now. So, I would like to hear your schedule with your kids (those of you who are into schedules). Eating? Naptime? All that stuff. I have had a hard time getting her on the exact schedule each day. We have an okay one, but I want the same one each day. So, if any of you have a great routine for your little ones, I would like to hear them!! Thanks!


Jena said...

So heres what my imput to you is. The best of a schedule that I put Kam on now-a-days is this:

She wakes up between 7:30 & 8:30 every day. We change her and feed her. After that we have a little time to put her clothes on for the day, and we play for a little while. Usually she'll take a nap 2 hours after she wakes up. after that... its food when shes acting hungry and from then on i'm on Kamdyns schedule. She isn't into the whole naps two times a day every day either, so its up to her. she eats "dinner" around six/seven (again that depends on her) and we start getting her ready for bed at 8:30, and she's sound asleep at 9, and its getting earlier every month.(you know that cause i learned that from you:))

Basically you can't force her to eat or sleep or be on an exact schedule... You can only count on waking her up at the same time every day, and going to bed at the same time (and that even changes)

so all in all...

The only thing you can count on being constant, or on a "schedule", is change...

I don't know if that will help, but I hope its ok:)

Callisters said...

I am also a schedule freak! Each child I also get worse (not just about schedule, but germs, taking the kids out to much, etc), so we are all quite nervous to see what I am like next child! My favorite book is Secrets of the Baby Whisper, it is the best of teaching you how to understand babies and helping you learn schedules. This is what I do.... My morning is actually a free for all since she is done taking her morning naps. She doesn't always get up at the same time so we just kind of go by that. In the mornings is my time to run around and do the things I need to do. Sometime during the noon hour is when Olivia eats and down for nap around 1 gets up at 3 (on school days for the boys it is a little different). Dinner is around 6, then it is bath time, and in bed by 7:30. So I guess I am a little opposite from your friend who also left a comment, because I would perfer the tighter schedule in the afternoon/evening. My thought is in the morning they just woke up from sleeping and they are ready to play and have fun, so the schedule depends on their mood in the mornings. Sorry for the ramble, I know that it is always a scary/nervous thing when they get older or something throws off change because you just want the best for you kids. But I have also learned that kids are pretty durable and when needed they can go with the flow of the daily activities! Good Luck! (just wait for when she doesn't want to take a nap anymore at all!)

Pam said...

I was so anal when I had Bailee. I would write out a complete schedule, and try to stick by it as close as I could. The thing that was hard for me is that schedules change due to sickness, vacations, age, ect. So, my basic goal was to have the same exact bedtime for her each night, which has been very consistant for a long time- 8:00. She typically wakes up at 7:00. Bailee just barely dropped her 2nd nap and she is 19 months old. So, this is her schedule now.
Mind you, this is not exact, but what typically happens.
7:00- wake up
7-8 -watches the disney channel
9-get dressed
9-11-plays, helps me clean
11-eats again
11:30-1:30 nap
1:30-2-watches a movie
2-eats again
2:30-5:30-plays, goes on errands, pretty much anything
5:30-6:00-a nap she just dropped, but occasionally takes if she is sick.
7:00-plays with Jake
7:30-reads with Jake, then someone rocks her.
8:00-prayers, and then she is layed down.
That is what Bailee does. Sadie is not a schedule yet, or I just don't pay attention to it because Bailee is the demanding child, and Sadie is just chill. I hope this helps. Sorry if it is way to detailed. Good Luck!

The Jones Family said...

Having a set schedule is always a nice things, but I have noticed that as Aniston gets older it's started to be unpredictable. I just expect things to go about the same most days, and plan on eating and naps around the same time every day. If she gets off schedule I just try and adjust and plan differently. As I look back, Aniston is much happier when I let her have some control and I try to adjust and go with the flow. I'm with a lot of those who have made comments, and I have a set bedtime. Mornings are what throw off the schedule (but only an hour or so) because I don't EVER wake her up unless we have to be somewhere. Aniston doesn't do well with naps so like I said, I NEVER wake her up!!

Smith Family said...

hey kalli...i'm with you...i am all about the has worked awesome for all three of my kids. but, i know what you mean...the older they get, the harder it is. isaac is still on a pretty good schedule and it works for him (still continuing with the babywise thing...but very relaxed)...
his day still consists of sleep, eat, play. sleep, eat, play...all day long. he wakes at 8 am and goes to sleep at 8 pm with two, sometimes three naps during the day.

even as they get older, i think those little ones really need consistency!!!

Pam said...

Hey Kalli,
The reason I am going private is because some wierd guy was leaving comments on my friends blog about her two little girls. IT was so creepy and disturbing to me, so I decided I didn't want just anyone looking at my kids. I am such a paronoid person;)

Lisa Summers & Fam said...

Hey Kalli, I hope you don't mind me commenting. I found you through the Tremonton wave. I have been on a schedule with both of my kids. I think they work well, and as my kids get older and do more things I just adjust the schedule.
This is our schedule.
7:-7:30am wake up

7:30am Eat breakfast, Really important at my house!

8:00am Make beds and straighten rooms (organize)

8:30am Get ready

9:00am Katelyn is off to school until 11:30 on Tues., Wed., & Thurs. While she is at school I try to spend extra one on one with Kolton and when she is home I try to give her the extra time needed to make them both feel just as equal.

9:15am clean or straighten the house. I involve my kids as much as possible. They don't mind my cleaning if I give them something to do, and now they both enjoy the house to be clean. I give them easy jobs. If the house is spotless ( I have become kind of s germ phobic, like Courtney) I just do something that will involve both my kids's participation. We love to do craft or art projects. Also music time, any time my kids and I have nothing to do I try to open their minds with music.

10:00am snack time. I usually try to make a treat every couple of days, or they can pick something healthy

10:30am read for 20-30minutes

11:00am prepare what we will be having for lunch while the kids play with toys or learning games

11:30am pick Katelyn up from school, if she is not at school we have lunch
12:30pm both kids take a 1-2 hour nap which I spend time doing what needs to be done. Sometimes I enjoy a nap too.

2:00pm we read, play games, and find some way of letting them get exercise. We got an indoor tramp they take turns on! We do other things, but that is their favorite.

3:00pm Snack time They have to choose something healthy for this snack.

4:00pm we have to take Katelyn to dance, cheer or tumbling depending on the day. Kolton and I read, or practice learning games.

5:30pm the kids play while I make dinner. It gives them bonding time and they love to enjoy kid time. If we have soccer or other sports everything changes to a later time from here on out, but not enough to show.

6:30pm eat dinner

7:00pm spend one on one time with dad while I clean up dinner and straighten the house.

8:00pm start the bedtime routine, brush teeth, bath, pjs, read scriptures, family and individual prayers.

8:30-9:00pm we put the kids in bed or at least try to.
**On one weekend night we watch a movie with the kids after dinner, so they feel like it is their out and we let them choose the movie. Or you can take them to do something outside of the house.

Randi said...

Hi Kalli! It's Randi (Williams) Hirschi. How are you? I found your blog from Pam's and couldn't help but comment on this post! I hope you don't mind. I am all about the schedule. My son Gavin is 16 months old and I was given the book 'Babywise' when he was about 3 months old and my husband and I weren't getting much sleep! He has been on a routine ever since. I think it is a great thing for the kids as well as the moms!

Around 8:00 - wakes up, breakfast, bath if needed, get dressed, etc.
10:30 - morning nap
12:30 - lunch
2:30 or 3:00 - afternoon nap
5:00 - dinner
around 8:15 - put PJ's on, brush teeth, read a story, etc.
8:30 - in bed

In-between eating and naps is mostly reading, playing, play-pen time, running errands, etc. Once in a while I let him watch "Thomas the Train" or "Elmo". (I have to be careful b/c he loves watching DVD's so much he's figured out how to turn them on by himself. So I have to remember to take them out of the DVD player. I hope you never have that problem!)

Also, right now he is just getting to the point where we will be transitioning to 1 nap a day instead of two. That will be a big adjustment for me!

I hope this helps you out in some way. Your little girl is adorable! Good luck!