Monday, March 10, 2008

Hair Extensions!

Are These Not HILARIOUS????

K so I always get so sick of my hair and always want something new. So, after growing my hair out while I was pregnant, chopping it off after Presli was born...I now have hair extensions. But that's not the point....Presli was really jealous that she didn't have long hair, so we thought, what the heck, we will put them in her hair too! So here is the new Presli!!!


Thurston Fam said...

Hey Kalli, it's becca! I was browsing blogs and came across you and Lacy. I am here in Las Vegas! I was wondering where Lacy does hair up there? I would love to come up and not have to find someone down her to expirement with. Steves family is up there, so I could just make a day trip! My email is if you get a sec and could let me know I would love it!

Your daughter is amazingly beautiful! I love the hair! It looks like life is treating you very well, and I am so happy for you! Thanks so much for your help! Becca

Lemon Annie said...

Too Cute! That truly is hilarious!

The Jones Family said...

That is hysterical!! Can Lacy do Aniston's? I am so sick of her thin little hair, so extensions would be GREAT.

Pam said...

Love it! She looks like such a little babe!

Hootie & Chrissi said...

Presli is darling & that picture is precious. It makes her look older, but it's cute & funny. Hope all is going good with you guys. Chrissi

Smith Family said...

ok, not really though, right? how in the crap are those hooked on?!?!? that is so funny...she looks like a teenage baby (um, if that's possible).

Jamie and Brady said...

Whoa, that really plays with your mind! Are they really hooked on?

Lacy said...


She is so dang cute! She looks like a big girl with all that hair!

Bingham Family said...

That is to funny I can't believe how big she is. Don't you hate how fast they grow. Hope you are doing good.. Mandi

Michelle said...

Just wanted to say HI!!!
The hartfiels

Joell said...

Presli is so cute! That hair is crazy I can't believe she sat there and let you do it!