Dallyn, Joey, Pres, Madden, Aniston, Dre and Corbin.
My first attempt at a fondant cake!
Madden on his Harley Tricycle he got for his birthday.
Madden's Harley Davidson birthday party
Opening his presents...he was so sick. Didn't really crack a smile the whole party.
Knox on Valentine's Day
Madden, Presli and Knox
So, I got on our blog to update and holy cow...didn't realize how long it had been since I had posted. So, I won't be catching up from the past 4 months....there would be way too many pictures. So, above are pictures of a few things we have been up to...
First off, we moved up to Bountiful the middle of October. I was not super excited about it, but I knew it was what was best for our family. Turns out, I really like it up here!! I love Bountiful. I have to say though, had it not been for my friendly neighbor introducing herself the day we moved in, I may not be enjoying it so much. We do alot together. She has become my best friend up here...which I really needed. It feels like I've known her longer than I really have. So thank you thank you Kim...I love you!!
Joe's job is going better than we could have ever imagined! He is super busy and works alot, but we are blessed that it's not the other way around. I am so grateful for all of his hard work! I have the best husband in the world! The kids seem to enjoy it here...we do miss our family and friends in St. George, but it's been kinda fun it just being the 5 of us!
Knox is now 7 1/2 months old! Holy cow how time has flown. He is seriously the best baby ever. He only cries when he's hungry or tired and constantly has a smile on his face. He absolutely loves Presli and Madden. They are so good to him. He definitely is never in need of any attention...he has plenty! I thought for sure they would be sick of him by now...nope, they still think he's the best thing ever!! Knox has a few names..Knoxy, Knoxy Roxy, Knoxer, Knoxous, Knoxaramous. The kids love to sing this to him: "Knoxy Roxy puddin' and poxy kissed the girls and called them foxy!" I sang it to him once and the kids thought it was funny! He is jabbering and laughing alot, sitting up, rolling over and loves to stand up. His favorite toy is his jumparoo! He sits and bounces uncontrollably!! He loves his sleep...and loves to have his face covered. He just had his 7 month check up and is definitely our big boy! He weighed 21 pounds and is 28 inches long! He has been such a blessing to our family!
Madden just turned 2 the end of February. We went to St. George and celebrated with family and friends the week before and then on his birthday we celebrated at home with more family and friends. I can't believe he is 2! He is talking so much. Each day I just laugh at the sentences he comes up with. He is going to be our little heart breaker...with those big blue eyes! He is our little sensitive boy! I can't even count how many times a day he says, "Mom, Mom...I wuv you!" He loves Presli and Knox. He follows Presli around and copies almost everything she does. And he is such a good big brother to Knoxy Roxy. Some of the funny things he always says are: "Nasty Nana! No, I do it! I did it! No poopers! I wuv you! I am awesome! How's work dad? How's dance Pres? See mom, see dad, see Pres!" He loves motorcycles, trucks(particularly Papa's Big Truck!), cars, trains, balls, Buzz, and Woody. He LOVES his milk! And is definitely a mommy's boy! He is such a joy in our lives! We love him to pieces!!
Madden just turned 2 the end of February. We went to St. George and celebrated with family and friends the week before and then on his birthday we celebrated at home with more family and friends. I can't believe he is 2! He is talking so much. Each day I just laugh at the sentences he comes up with. He is going to be our little heart breaker...with those big blue eyes! He is our little sensitive boy! I can't even count how many times a day he says, "Mom, Mom...I wuv you!" He loves Presli and Knox. He follows Presli around and copies almost everything she does. And he is such a good big brother to Knoxy Roxy. Some of the funny things he always says are: "Nasty Nana! No, I do it! I did it! No poopers! I wuv you! I am awesome! How's work dad? How's dance Pres? See mom, see dad, see Pres!" He loves motorcycles, trucks(particularly Papa's Big Truck!), cars, trains, balls, Buzz, and Woody. He LOVES his milk! And is definitely a mommy's boy! He is such a joy in our lives! We love him to pieces!!
Where to start with our little Presli!! Presli will turn 4 at the end of the month. Seems more like she is 3 going on 13!! He acts so old for her age and it just kills us at the words she uses in her everyday vocabulary. Most of the words I don't even use at age 29! She is so smart! She loves showing off all that she knows. Her phone number, address, color words, counting by 5's and 10's, rhyming, syllables, time on the hour and half hour, all of the sounds of the alphabet and much more! She is definitely a girly girl. She loves playing dress up, loves princesses, make up, and fingernail polish. She loves to dance. She started taking again when we moved up here and she loves it. She is such a great helper...especially with her brothers. She is my little babysitter when I am putting Madden down for a nap. She is always willing to help entertain Knox when I need her too. She just recently learned how to change the boys diapers! Only the peetail ones though!! She is really proud of herself! She is our drama queen. Holy cow...some days I wonder how I'll get through the next 15 years! I guess I just have to feel lucky she's my only girl!! She is definitely a mommy's girl. She has more energy than any kid I have ever seen. She is going strong from the time she wakes up to the time she goes to bed! She keeps us on our toes! We love her and she is such a great little girl!
Joe and I celebrated our 7 year wedding anniversary on the 12th! I surprised him and picked him up from work. We ate at the Roof and stayed at The Little America. We had a girl we've known for years come and stay with the kids (with some help from Nana)! We were so lucky to have her! The kids loved her and Joe and I had a great time spending the evening alone! We are so blessed to have the life we have. We really couldn't ask for anything more. We love our life!!
I am so happy you updated your blog!!! Your family is beautiful! I am so happy you are enjoying bountiful. It is really pretty there!!!
i really am dying over your kids. wow...so freaking cute! makes me miss you guys soooo much! i want to meet your two youngest this summer!!! are you running the race with us???
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