Thursday, March 31, 2011

Presli Turned 4!!

Four years ago yesterday I gave birth to my first baby! My baby girl turned 4 and she was so excited it was her "Special Day!" She woke up a little early and when she came into my room I started singing to her. She stood in the hall with a grin on her face. When I finished she ran in and said, "Is it morning time?" I told her it was and that it was finally her birthday. I asked her if she felt 4 now. She said, "Ya, I felt 4 in the night!" So funny! All day she kept talking about her special day.

We started the day off with dancing where her class sang to her and she passed out cupcakes. She then had her choice of eating anywhere she wanted for lunch. She of course chose Texas Roadhouse. Well, they aren't open for lunch so she chose her next favorite...Applebee's! Joe met us there and we had lunch. They sang Happy Birthday to her and she got to pick out a little prize. We went home and while the boys napped we decorated a little crown for her to wear.

She was antsy all night. She had to wait til Joe got home from work and young men's to open her presents. It was torture to see them sitting on the table and not be able to open them. Finally at 7:30 she got to open her presents!(We were all in jammies ready for bed!) She was hilarious. I had the camera up and every time I took a picture...she posed. None of the pictures below were of me telling her to was all her!

Presli has been such a joy to have in our lives. I am so lucky to be the mom of such a loving, adorable, smart little girl. Not a day goes by where she doesn't put a smile on my face! I love you baby girl!!!

Ready for dance in her new dance outfit!!! Talk about a cheese!!
Another pose! That seems to be one of the most famous!

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