Sunday, March 30, 2008

Happy Easter!

So a little late, but it'll have to do. For Easter my whole family, plus my aunt Marci's family packed up our trucks and four wheelers and headed to the mountains. We had so much fun. We took one day and just took off into the mountains. Presli loved riding in the ranger. She sat in her carseat and mostly slept the entire time. We had a lot of fun and when we got back for the day, we were filthy! The first night it froze....we were so cold! We rode four wheelers, sat by the fire, colored Easter eggs, had an Easter egg hunt, rolled Easter eggs down a hill and we even got to see some real dinosaur tracks!We spent two days there and headed back on Easter afternoon. It was alot of fun and were a little sad to come home so soon! Here are some pictures of our fun weekend!

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