So, we had quite an eventful five days this past weekend. On Thursday night Presli started acting weird and was having difficulty breathing. She would cough so hard she would dry heave and throw up. Finally after three hours of non-stop crying, we took her to St. George Hospital. The doctor looked at her and told us she just had a bad cold, and sent us home. Well, we headed up to Salt Lake on Friday for a family Christmas party. On Friday night, she started again. She was wheezing horribly, couldn't breath and just kept crying. I woke up my mom at about 1:00 in the morning and asked her what we should do. She thought we should take her to the Hospital. Since we were in Salt Lake I called my friend Michelle and asked her where we should take her. She said Primary Children's because if it was RSV or something like that, they would transfer us there anyway. So we headed to Primary's. Yep, Bronchiolitis/RSV. She gradually got worse and worse. She looked horrible. It was so sad. After a few tests, a breathing treatment, a nose suction and a chest x-ray, we were admitted at 4:30 A.M. She wouldn't sleep so that meant Joe and I couldn't sleep. We were exhausted. Well, we missed our family party and spent our weekend in the Hospital. We got there Friday night and were not released until Christmas Eve morning. We actually had planned on spending Christmas in the Hospital by the way the Doctors sounded. It was horrible seeing your little child so helpless and sick. She was hooked up to monitors, had an IV (which she didn't even flinch when she got), and had oxygen tubes up her nose. She could not even hold her head up she was so weak. She was called the "Pretty Baby" and the "Model Baby" by all of the nurses. They loved her. (Although with all of the poking and prodding, she was not too fond of them.) She is doing so much better and now only has a really bad cold. As horrible as this experience was, we are so grateful it was what it was, we saw so many children that were so sick, and did have to spend Christmas in the hospital. We are lucky to have her home, especially for Christmas!! Here are a few pictures of our sick little Presli...
Presli with hooked up to oxygen.
That is so sad! I am so glad she's okay and that you were so close to primary's..
Kalli,that is the saddest thing ever! That would have scared me to death! I'm glad she's doing better!!!
Oh how sucky. Ty got RSV when he was about 9 months. I was a wreck. I swear I bawled for 10 days straight. I remember sitting outside on the front porch at 3 in the morning with him wrapped up so that the cold air would help his lungs calm down. Glad she is better. (Is she still on Oxygen?)
We have done RSV before and it is the worst thing in the world! I am so glad she is doing better!
Those pics make me want to cry. How awful to see your baby sick. I'm sure the nurses just loved her. She is so beautiful.
That's terrible that she got so sick! We're glad to hear she is doing much better.
Oh poor thing. I am so glad she is doing better.. Not fun for mom and dad either!
That is so Scary! When I first went to your blog it only had the pics and no explanation. I hope that you all are recovered, and glad to know that she is getting better.
How is St. George? We went to Utah for Christmas and it was great to be home. I hope all is well!
It was fun to see you guys at the game! Glad Presli is better!
Hey I tagged you.. Check my blog
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