Monday, August 6, 2007

Presli Rolled!!

Hey everyone, we had to let you in on the great news...Presli rolled for the first time yesterday! We thought it just happened by accident, but she kept doing it over and over all day today!! So exciting!!


Smith Family said...

Seriously, both Joe and Presli are so cute! You can definitely tell who her daddy is! Wow, rolling...I'm not sure I'm ready for my baby to be mobile yet...

Malizia's said...

That's Huge!!! Way to go Presli!!! Before you know it she'll be on the move, so GET READY!!

Harmony said...

that's funny because Devyn just rolled over for the first time the other day and she is 7 months, and apparently a little slow. ;- ) Love the blog....still working on mine.